Web Design Planning Consultation

If you attempt to develop a website with little or no pre-design planning, your website is almost certainly doomed to fail ...

... We wouldn't even consider producing a website for you without first having a complete understanding of your central aims (Project Objectives & Requirements Gathering), and those whom the website is aimed at: your target audience. Only then can we consider the best way to interpret and implement those aims, that will result in a coherent, robust and engaging website.

We regard pre-design planning as the most important stage of any website design and development project. From experience, we know this is when all the important decisions are made.

UX illustration
Website User Experience (UX) Illustration.

Some things you might consider as part of web design & development planning:

  • What are the central aims of your website - project objectives?
  • Who are you trying to communicate with, who's your target audience?
  • What can you learn from your competitor's websites?
  • What can be done to ensure your website is easy to find?
  • What's the best way to organise/prioritise the content on your site?
  • Should you be targeting particular devices - Smartphone, Desktop PC?
  • Which Content Management System fits best with your requirements?
  • What can be done to ensure your website is both 'usable' & engaging?

Tell Us About Your Proposed Website Project

Just email or telephone us to discuss your project. After, if you think we can help you, we can then arrange to meet and go through the details of your proposal. We'll then send you a cost quote and development proposal, which you can either accept or reject. There's no commitment or cost involved, so you've nothing to lose.

This pre-design planning is greatly beneficial to us also. For example, we wouldn't be able to accurately calculate pricing without the details of your development requirements. We also find this 'no commitment' planning phase helpful as a way of reassuring potential customers that we're professionals who can be trusted and relied upon to produce a quality, professional website for them.

Please email us for further information about our Web Design Services: *enquiries@friezedesign.co.uk
