“attempt to develop a website without Proper pre-design planning : your website is almost certainly doomed to fail”
We wouldn’t even consider producing a website for you without first having a complete understanding of your central aims (Project Objectives & Requirements), and who the website is for : your target audience.
Only then can we consider the best way to interpret and implement those aims, that will result in a coherent, robust and engaging website.
We regard pre-design planning as the most important stage of any website design and development project. This is when all the crucial decisions are made.
Things you might consider as part of web design & development planning:
Remember – It’s Not Your Website …
… it’s for the people who use it!
This is a all too common mistake that people make – designing and developing a website from their own perspective.
You may be the website’s owner, but it’s not like your house where you decide what colour to paint the walls. You have to get inside the heads of your target audience and design something that uniquely appeals to them.
This is not an easy thing to do, so we’d recommend you seek assistance from experienced, professional web designers like us!
For a more in-depth look at how you can best structure the planning process – go to our sister site – GetaWebsite – Website Planning